February 22

Media Campaign—– The End

For the last few weeks, we were learning the unit of communication. For this unit, we did a campaign on environmental issues. Our group (Margot, Joey and me) decided to make a campaign based on food wasting. What I learnt from the process of making the campaign was choosing the proper format of campaign for different audience. To achieve that, we chose the video, which was for all the people in the school; the slogans, which we stick it on each table for everyone eating on the table; and the posters, for the people who pass the windows. To make more people understand, we tried our best to make the poster as interesting as possible; and to make the slogans funny to read, we made the slogans simple but meaningful, people need to think about what it means.

One thing that we struggled the most was choosing the issue to work on. First we wanted to interview the cleaners on the streets and compare their life to ours to make people aware of waste, but then we found that was not very practical and doable, and the idea of wasting is also too wide, it was not concentrated so it would be hard to focus. Then we thought about the food waste, every lunch we waste a lot of food in our school, it’s a serious problem, so we decided on this topic at last.

The thing we did particularly well was we actually put our campaign into use, we put our slogans and posters all around the cafeteria. So it became more than just an assessment, it played a role. On that point, I think our campaign was quite successful.

Except ours, Bruce’s campaign was also quite successful. His campaign was about saving the ocean animals and was made of three parts, the first one was posters, his posters were quite simple but effective, his pretty drawing will attract people in a short time. The second part of his campaign was newspaper, although I haven’t read his articles yet, it was still a good way to publicize the idea. The last part of his campaign was the video, the video part did not have the same effect the previous two made. But generally, the campaign was effective and impressive.

What we could do better next time was we could make it closer to life, we could measure the amount of food wasted before we put our campaign into use and after, so we could use the data to judge whether our campaign is useful or not.

Overall, I learned a lot through the project and I enjoyed working with others a lot.







January 10

Unit 2 Communication

For the second unit of Language Arts, we are discovering the ways media makes people believe what they want people to believe. We are going to do a campaign on environmental issues. At first, our group wants to make students in our school aware of their actions of wasting by interviewing the clean workers on the streets, but when we were planning it, we found that hard to do and there were also many difficulties to do that, it’s kind of rude to ask a stranger on the street about his or her personal information. Plus, waste is a broad topic, so after discussing, we narrowed it down to the topic of food waste. Food waste is a big contemporary issue which matters a lot, while we are wasting our food, there are a lot of people starve to death, but many people still don’t pay enough attention to food waste, they think they pay for the food so it’s up to them to waste or not. In our school, students also waste a lot of food, in order to achieve the purpose of make students aware of food waste, we planned to do the things below:

1.Make stickers to stick on the tables of cafeteria to make students think twice before     throwing the food away.

  1. Make posters to publicize the idea of saving food.
  2. Make a video to compare the food we have and the situation those poor people in to make students think about the actions they are doing and how does their change of the actions change the situation.
  3. Make stickers to little kids as the reward of finishing their food and give rewards (we are not sure yet) to older kids.

We have already made the stickers for cafeteria; next we are going to make the logo and posters. I enjoyed working with my team a lot.


December 6

TED talks

This week we started a new unit—- Communication. In this unit we are going to look at different types of non-fiction media to investigate an essential question: What is truth? The non-fictions we are looking at this stage are about environment. This blog is about the TED talks. I want to talk about two TED talks. Firstly is what comes after An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore in 2009. In the documentary film An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore gave us a wake-up call about global warming. This TED talk is about after 4 years, what happened? He showed the disasters the global warming has brought and his stance on “clean coal”. Through the TED talk we can tell that global warming hasn’t been stopped. It continues affect the ice and ocean as well as the human beings. He showed a graph of the amount of disaster happened in last 30 years. Global warming increased the disasters a lot. For me, this TED talk is not so interesting because it’s based on a serious topic and there are many professional issues in it. But it’s definitely useful both for this unit and me. Al Gore’s speeches and film make people believe, because behind every point of view, he all has a lot of evidences to prove that. But even though he gives audience many evidences, the source of the evidences still need to be discovered.

The second TED talk I want to talk about is also by Al Gore called New thinking on the climate crisis filmed in 2008. In this TED talk, he gave many evidences that the climate crisis is going even worse than scientists predicted, he challenged us to act. He mentioned that we had a lot of opportunities for the previous generations to act to solve the problems, but we did not act. His talk, as usual, is very effective. It makes people think about the global warming rather than just listening and then finish. For me, it’s funnier than the previous one since it added a funny ad about global warming in the talk. But behind the fun of that, it gives the audience more thinking. It’s also definitely a useful and watchable TED talk.

After watching all of these film and TED talks, I realized that global warming is a very serious issue and we really need to act on that. It’s a challenge for us but it’s worth trying.